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Jean Artlip (McKinzie) (1968)
Janeen Aubrey (Vick) (1965)
Linda Aubrey (Irvine) (1963)
Michal Beeman (1962)
Ted Blann (1963)
Cynthia Bourn (Clark) (1968)
Alec Cheechov (1969)
Mary Lou Claassen (Cope) (1961)
Gwen Collet (Iott) (1969)
Steve Combs (1960)
Cindi Crawford (Nofziger) (1965)
Jon Jay Cruson (1960)
Lewis "Lew" Danielson (1969)
Carole Doty (Burnside) (1960)
Carol Dunton (Stone) (1968)
Karon Elkins (Gutierrez) (1962)
Jim Gallager (1964)
Steve Gans (1969)
Danny Georgeson (1969)
Audrey Goodin (Ivie) (1964)
Bill Griffith (1960)
Phyllis Havill (Thornburg) (1968)
Stan Heard (1966)
Judy Hedrick (Godfrey) (1963)
JoAnn Hickey (Wiltrakis) (1964)
Jerrel Irvine (1962)
Jean Ivey (1960)
Dennis Jacobs (1965)
Jenny Johnson (Norman) (1966)
Candace Jones (1969)
Gayle Jones (Vidal) (1965)
Sharon Joost (Cook) (1963)
William Jostmeyer (1962)
JoAnn Kergel (Wirth) (1965)
A. Evelina Lawrence (1967)
Mike Lee (1966)
Sandra Lewis (Wilson) (1969)
Connie Logue (Wilson) (1966)
Richard Longee (1962)
Roger Lunt (1960)
Steve March (1964)
Sandra Marcum (Veldsma) (1960)
Melanie McKinzie-Pe… (1967)
Keith Meng (1968)
Gary Michaels (1966)
Damon Moulden (1965)
Andy Osborne (1966)
Susan Pasanen (Lehman) (1966)
Gloria Pena (Ramos) (1969)
Shannon Poole (1969)
John Potter (1969)
Amelia Prado (Hawkins) (1964)
Sandra Presley (Jones) (1960)
Martha Pultz (Amlin) (1966)
Nancy Rollins (Gantz) (1968)
Karen Sanders (1968)
Richard Scott (1965)
Michael Shanafelt (1964)
Nancy Strack (Tauman) (1963)
Richard J. "Rick" Tauzer (1967)
Doug Turnbull (1967)
Sandra Wasemiller (Vasquez) (1965)
Mark Wegener (1969)
Earl Willey (1960)
Zach (Wayne) Willey (1963)
Gail Williams (Dela Torres) (1963)
Sammy Wilson (1968)
David C. Winn (1968)
Dan Wirth (1964)