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09/08/24 06:17 AM #8082    

Dee (Marilee) Damsen (Kindelt) (1965)

Congratulations to the class of '64 reunion committee - you did a great job!!  I would say that the event was a huge success!!!

09/08/24 09:37 AM #8083    


Howard Neal (1964)

I agree with Dee: a great 60th reunion! And JoAnn, thanks for clarifying; I've blamed Jane for far too long. 

09/08/24 10:30 AM #8084    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Marilee, so great to see you again, (also a Sugar Queen Contestant from 1965).  The 1964 Class Reunion was so very nice, seeing everyone again was most delightful.  Thanks to Smokey Rico and all his hard working Committee.  Rick Gonzales worked extra hard locating all the class members, quite a list which he and Anne Douglas Loud created.  Greg, thank you for posting the 1964 Sugar Queen Contestants.  Those ladies still remains as beautiful today.     .  

09/08/24 06:24 PM #8085    


Theresa Eve (1964)

As we reflect back, the 1964 Class Reunion of Woodland High School, only known the old and strong building on College Street.  France Hanley Jones put this picture together, with many more as a handout  from our original Orange Peals - as a take home at our current 60th Class Reunion, September 7th, 2024  A very memorial event.  We all appreciated this grand reunion of friends.


09/08/24 07:59 PM #8086    


David Hughes (1967)

09/09/24 10:54 AM #8087    

Greg Kareofelas (1962)

Thanks David for the nice pic of the TIME MAKERS plaque. How were they mounted to the cars? Did you have to drill holes?

09/09/24 11:15 AM #8088    

Susan Berg (Yates) (1966)





Well, finally able to post the car plaque from our car club with a few alumni from the WHS class of 60 thru 69. Had to locate it on my son's shop and now I need to get it into,our glass beaded and clean it up. We mounted this to an aluminum bracket that was made at Kimzey Welding Works where I worked at the time. So it was setup in the rear window of our 57 Bel Air. Those were some reall great times!  



09/11/24 09:46 AM #8089    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Remember September 11th.  Honor those who gave their lives. 

09/16/24 02:43 PM #8090    

Doyle Phillips (1961)

Have they ever figured out where the Lady in 57 picture was located?  Freeman Park had a Gezebo with at least 8 windows on top held up by 10 columns and 4 steps up.. Did it relpace the lady with the fountain or the Lady replace it? 

09/23/24 04:49 PM #8091    


Theresa Eve (1964)


Happy Fall, even thou it feels like summer.  Enjoy the cooler mornings.   




09/24/24 10:43 AM #8092    


Theresa Eve (1964)

As we all gathered for our 1964 Woodland High School Class Reunion, we felt for those who have passed and for those who are facing some health issues.  Just learned that Terry Lacky is in the hospital, sending out words of recovery to him and his family in Modesto. 

09/25/24 11:45 AM #8093    

Bernard Rocksvold (1965)

Hey Doyle,

I believe the Gazebo replaced the fountain after the fountain was constantly being vandalized. They proposed to have free band concerts at the gazebo. I'm almost positive that the picture of the lady was at the fountain at Freeman park, before they took out the fountain and surounding architecture. There was also a restroom installed west of the gaxebo that was removed, thanks to the destruction caused by the inhabitants of "wino park". I got a chance to stop by the park today and take photos of the gazebo. your description of the gazebo was spot on.

09/27/24 09:47 AM #8094    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Bernard, I can see the big pine tree on the left is definitly the same tree as in the picture of the lady at the fountain.  Sad that things have to be changed because of destructive people.  Thank you for the solving of the mystery, and for all the other input from Woodland people.. 

09/28/24 01:04 PM #8095    

Buni Murphy (Panick) (1964)

Bernie, When did you become Bernard? The nuns would approve. Hope you are doing well.

09/29/24 09:54 AM #8096    

Gary Wegener (Wegener) (1966)

The gazebo was built in the late 1990's, one of many projects by Rotary Clubs in Woodland.

09/30/24 06:59 AM #8097    

Bernard Rocksvold (1965)

Hi Buni,

I became Bernard / Bernie again after over 40 yrs. of my military / working life as Rocky. Not sure about the nuns approval. Retired now and really don't care what I'm called as long as it's not "late for dinner". Fortunately doing quite well.

Very nice to hear from you and I hope you are happy and in good health.


10/02/24 09:07 AM #8098    

Marilyn Millsap (Thompson) (1961)

Does anyone have a memory or picture of the Baptist church which was at the corner of Lincoln and College next to the Boy Scout cabin? It burned down in the 1950s. In my memory, I only picture that as being a lawn.

10/04/24 08:55 AM #8099    

Mike Miller (1966)

I had a memory recall this morning that took me back to a less stressful time. We lived just a couple blocks away from WHS. Occasionally the marching band would take a stroll down Hays street to the delight of neighbors. Anyone else have this warm fuzzy memory?

10/04/24 12:48 PM #8100    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Mike, I was in the Woodland High School Marching Band.  We would practice down those streets.  I was more interested in looking at the homes, than practicing as Mr. Stwartz wanted.  Band was not my thing.  Finally, I took piano lesson from Mrs. Canevari on Gibson Road, a very rewarding experience, wish I had done that sooner.  She was a great music teacher, very kind. 

10/05/24 06:58 PM #8101    

Frances Handley (Jones) (1964)

Can't say that practicing marching down the city streets was a "warm & fuzzy" experience . At 8 o'clock in the morning it seems like it was always cold & foggy . Band was a great experience , great bunch of people though. We had some great times! I think back & playing music was great. Band trips were always fun . I still kind of miss it. 

10/06/24 06:48 AM #8102    

Mike Miller (1966)

My sister was the drum majorette for a couple of years. One time when leading the band down Hays she took a right turn down Eunice Ct. where we live and marched the band down to our house at the end and back to Hays. Quite cool. And loud. 

10/06/24 01:05 PM #8103    


Joel Childers (1966)

I spent my first 3 years in concert band. In senior year, at the pleading of Mr. Shwartz, several of us practiced and performed with the marching band, which included marching around the streets near the high school. I didn't know what we had been missing. It was a blast. We marched at the East West Shrine Game at Stanford, the Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco and the big spring parade in Winters among others. Fun times.

10/07/24 08:15 AM #8104    

Glenda Smith (Stone) (1968)

I played in concert band and remember all the field trips we took. Last 2 years in marching band. Do you remember the conflict, I think in '66, when we got new uniforms and had to share between both bands? Guess they couldn't afford for both.

10/14/24 08:55 AM #8105    

Greg Kareofelas (1962)

This is not a Woodland Place, but how many others, for that "Big Date", drove to Sacramnto, Fulton Ave for that "Special" dinner at the Coral Reef ? Fun memories brought back when I found this vintage postcard!

10/14/24 06:47 PM #8106    


Burke Fong (1967)

For those of you that have eaten at the Chicago Cafe, they're are going to be featured in the PBS show, Rob on the Road. In the Sacramento area, it's next Monday night, October 21st, at 7:30pm.

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