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05/17/24 02:20 PM #7971    

Greg Kareofelas (1962)

Just got back from the Nice Memorial we had for our classmate Don Murdoch who recently passed - Thanks to all who made the event possible and as pleasant as a memorial can be. Don's 1962 classmates and those who knew him from when he worked at the sheriff's dept shared thoughts and memorties - RIP Don, REUNIONs will not be the same with you missing

05/17/24 06:31 PM #7972    


Rick Gonzales (1964)

Greg Kareofelas - I really enjoyed talking to you about you sister Sue. I attended first and second grade with here at the old Holy Rosary Elementary School, the one that burned down. I was visiting Dr. Demosthenes Pappagianis at his Davis home. I was collecting Dues for the Davis Democratic Club. He showed me a collection of some of his awards. Then I see Sue Kareofelas in many of the pictures and he starts talking about her. He tells me she ran the Department at UC Davis for 30 years. She was so instrumental in the daily operations of this department and everyone was well aware of her impact and her many years of dedication and commitment. I felt so moved that we shared two years together in first and second grade. She was a gem and was well appreciated for her efforts. May she Rest in Peace.

05/19/24 09:31 AM #7973    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Sue Kareofelas was a beauty.  I always called her the Snow White of Woodland High School.  She is remembered fondly,  Saw her in Nugget Market when I was visiting Mother and she remained just as lovely. 

05/27/24 11:29 AM #7974    

Craig Roberts (1965)


06/05/24 09:30 AM #7975    

Greg Kareofelas (1962)

Hi Rick! I want to thank you for the nice comments and memories of my sister Sue. I am getting together with my two younger sisters next week and I will be sure to share your memories and kind words with them. It was really nice meeting you at Don's memorial and having a chance to talk in person. It is situations like this that makes the ability to "comunicate on this forum" so speical. Thanks to all that share special moments and info here!!

06/06/24 08:16 AM #7976    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Today,  80 years ago - World War II, June 6, 1944, Battle of Normandy, D-Day.  Fighting against Hitler, 4,414 allied troops killed, 2,501 Americans, used 7,000 ships under General Eisenhower.  It was known as Operation Overlord.  Some of our Veterans today were on those beaches, at age 19.  This is how we gained our freedom.  Thank you to all who gave and to all who returned.  Freedom is not free. 

06/06/24 08:36 AM #7977    


David Hughes (1967)

Greg, Linda and I moved back to Woodland in 1981 so I could attend graduate school.  Linda and your sister Sue became best friends. Our kids and Sue's kids became best friends. At one time, Sue and Linda were co-PTA Presidents at Gibson Elementary School.  After we moved to Salt Lake City in 1985, and continuing on thereafter, Linda and Sue remained best of friends. I did some legal work for her after she injured her leg. We had regular contact with Sue and Linda and Sue would spend hours on the phone. About six months before she passed, we spent several hours with Sue at her house in Woodland.  That was a special day for us. We both love and miss Sue.  We include her and her family (guess that includes Greg too) in our prayers.  David Hughes


06/09/24 06:52 AM #7978    

Greg Kareofelas (1962)

Thankyou David (& Linda) for the kind words about my sister Sue. I know how special she considered both of you (&your children :-) ) She talked so much about you, I always felt that I knew you also! Thank you again!!

06/19/24 05:22 PM #7979    

Esther Villa (Lara) (1965)



06/19/24 05:22 PM #7980    

Esther Villa (Lara) (1965)



06/20/24 06:10 PM #7981    


Delbert Giese (1964)

Enjoyed the pictures from Camp Beale. I did not know until a few years ago that it was a WW ll POW camp. Some of the jail cells and many concrete foundations are near the south enterance to Beale AFB. They sold some of the old WW II barracks in 1947 and my father build our house in Woodland from the wood and windows. Thanks Theresa Eve

06/21/24 10:17 AM #7982    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Delbert:  How interesting about Beale Air Force Base.  Love all the history, especially as Dad received his Army training there, while Mother attended Chico State College for teaching.  I was born in Chico.  I believe it was one of my parents happiest times.  Dad was in the 13th Armored Division, the Black Cats.   


06/21/24 04:34 PM #7983    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Eldon and Shelly, Class of 1964.  

06/25/24 09:52 AM #7984    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Just to confirm tho 1964 Reunion date.  


06/25/24 07:26 PM #7985    

Frances Handley (Jones) (1964)

Class of 1964: watch for your Postcard!

06/26/24 07:23 PM #7986    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Just had a nice telephone call from Sharon Little Boatman, Class of 1964.  She will not be attending our Class Reunion this September; however, she extends her best wishes to all the classmates.  I just want to add that Sharon is a very accomplished quilter and tole painting artist.  She lives in Emmett, Idaho in a home she and her husband Ken designed.  Ken has passed.  But her son Matthew lives next door.  Sharon makes quilts to donate to the Veterans each Year.  It is an annual event in Emmett.   Her phone number is:  208 284-4610.  She loves to chat.  Here she is with her son Matthew and her father, Mr. Little; who has passed.  Sharon made both the quilts.  

07/04/24 07:13 AM #7987    

Bernard Rocksvold (1965)

Happy 4th of july, Independence day. The reason many wore The Uniform.

07/04/24 11:24 AM #7988    


Theresa Eve (1964)


Happy 4th of July, remember the meaning, freedom, United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, wars which our people have fought to save our freedoms.  For our Uniteds State of America, Liberty and Justice for All.


07/06/24 02:52 PM #7989    


Rick Gonzales (1964)

Last call for the missing classmates of the 1964 WHS 60th Reunion that takes place September 7, 2024 from 4 to 8 pm at the American Legion Hall, 523 Bush St in Woodland. Many former missing classmates have notified us of their current mailing addresses, so they have been informed about the Reunion. Please contact Rick Gonzales at 530 758-2331 to update your address.Some 200 are expected to attend.

Lee Archie                Roberta Ball                      Sandra Berry                  Irene Bettercourt

Patti Blair                  Nancy Bryan                     Gary Buckhammer         Diana Bueno

Sheila Burns             Steven Caldwell                Rodny Catenacci            Gloria Chadwick

Marilyn Chambers    Lou Chicconi                      Lila Chittick                    Bert Cochran

Diane Coffee            Galen Collins                      Linda Constant              Rosetta Constant

Gwen Daigre            Sherri Deremo                    Brian Faulkner               Shari Gessler

Audrey Goodin         Donna Harmon                   Felix Hernandez             JoAnn Hickey

John Hiddleson        Rod Holck                           Andy Hromiko                 Rene Humphrey

Janet Huttman         Frank Jimenez                     Michael Jones                Judy Jull

Kathleen Keithly      Jolynn Keown                        Susan King                    Doris Krug

Elmer Krug              Robert Leathers                     LouAnn Linford              Arthur Lopez

Nancy McClure        George McKamy                    James Meadowcroft      Susan Montgomery

Victoria Moyer           Jody Northern                       Paul Olson                     Tony Pimentel

Karen Prather           Kathryn Putnam                    John Reich                      Cheryl Riggins

Sharon Rooney         Terry Rummel                       Nancy Sans                      Marsha Sheffield

William Sorenson      Linda Stephens                     Michael Storz                   Mary Tanaka

Jearl Tillery                Don Utley                               Sharon Webb                   

07/07/24 04:30 PM #7990    


Rick Gonzales (1964)

Anne Douglas discovered another 26 classmates who graduated in 1964 from WHS who were not on the original Master List. Their whereabouts are unknown. I f anyone knows anything about any of these classmates, please call Rick Gonzales at 530 758-2331 so we can send them an Invitation to our 60th Class Reunion. They are:

Dennis Leroy Armstrong                         Linda Kay Blankenship                    Jerry R. Brooks

Larry Wayne Brown                                Cynthia Jean Cary                            Michael William Cooper

Gilbert Warren Cropper                          Mary Lou Duncan                              Patricia Eileen Hodgkin

Harriet Hammond Hopkins                     Stephany Lynn Joyner                       Larry Dennis Kruletz

Susan Emily Longee                               Hedy Carol Maier                              Keith I. Martin

Alfredo Martinez                                      Gail Eileen Moe                                 Alan Whitney Mudge

Vickie Ann Nichols                                   Donna Jo  Norsworthy                       Darrel Lee Rice

Karen Jane Smith                                    Mary Lavonne Stuart                          Ronald L. Tunstall

Richard Chin Wong                                  Patricia Ann Woodworth (Woodward)

07/08/24 08:31 AM #7991    


Mike Michalak (1964)

I noticed Nancy Sans is on the list of unknown addresses. Nancy lives in San Francisco and is one of the most successful and talented Holy Rosary and WHS '64 alumni. Among her other accomplishments is that she was a primary writer for Sesame Street from 1984 to 2002. 

She was recently interviewed on Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show (Episode 129). 

Rick, you guys have done a great job on this reunion and I look forward to seeing everyone tha's left in September. 

07/08/24 09:08 AM #7992    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Mike:  Thank you for your post.  The Committee has researched Nancy with her great talented history.  Anne Loud and Rick Gonzales, have the information you provided.  We did watch the interview of Nancy.  However, we were not able to obtain a mailing address for her in San Francisco.  We did speak to Liz Geer also to help.  Unfortunately, no address so far. 

07/09/24 09:09 AM #7993    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Nancy travels a great deal, so no address.  Thank you all.  

07/20/24 10:13 AM #7994    

Dee (Marilee) Damsen (Kindelt) (1965)

To the class of 65:  We lost another one - David Veliz (7-13-24).  Our condolences to his family members.


07/24/24 09:38 PM #7995    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Remember the 1964 Woodland High School Class Reunion this September 7th.    Get your hotel reservations if you are coming from out of town.  Best to get set early. Smokey Rico and the Committee have been working hard on this event. Rick Gozales has really gone door-to-door to connect with all class members. 




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