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Log in issues? Before you ask for help, click the "forgot password" link after entering your email address, and your will get a system email with your real password (check SPAM folder if it isn't in your inbox). 75% of the time, that is the issue. 20% of the time, you have changed your email address and the site still has your old email address. If you remember the old one, log in with it and go to "edit contact info" to change to your new email. Problems, email
Site down for maintenance??? If you get this message when you log in, hit the F5 function key, (or for MAC users, the [shift] key and refresh/reload option on your browser) to refresh the page. If you still get it, it actually is down for maintenance, which is usually several hours (not days).
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Birthday notifications... If a classmate's profile (for example Tom's) includes a birthday, other classmates (for example Linda) will be notified of the birthday if they are following Tom's profile.
If Tom wants to share his birthday with classmates, he goes to "Edit Contact Info" under Member Functions and adds his birthday. Classmates that go to his profile (under "Classmate Profiles") will see his birthday, and will get an advance notification of Tom's birthday.
To follow Tom's profile, Linda goes to 'Classmates Profile' in the yellow panel, finds Tom, and clicks on "Follow Tom" at the top of his profile page (don't forget to save the page).
Problems: contact Gary Wegener at
What is this site all about???
The 2013 reunion was such a success, we had the second one September 15, 2018. That worked and now we are planning a 2023 reunion for 9 Sept 2023. Please share thoughts in the message forum. We will hopefully be updating the contact list for the classes at a planning meeting April 5, 4pm at Bella Vie Realty, 220 Cleveland St, Woodland.
In the meantime, we want to continue to support classes or groups from the 60s decade that want to host other functions. If you have any ideas or something that website resources can assist in, let me know.
Joan Lucchesi
Joining the website for the first time???? First, welcome. Second, let me help you navigate the process for joining for the first time, by asking you to click here for instructions. We have ~2000 yet to join and for those that don't find it easy, half will probably give up. So if you have any suggestions, let me know. Joan Lucchesi, 530 662 8195 or email me through the site : Thanks.

Once we were frisky, and then...
Where are those Wolves... Go to the "Missing Classmates" page and help us find them...and encourage those who haven't joined to do so. The Missing Classmates page includes those without any contact information (i.e., no email, address, or phone number) in the site decade roster.
Face Book Group: WHSALL60'sClassReunion
(will you be my friend?)

Welcome to the Woodland High Classes Of 1960 - 1969 web site. Our initial focus was a memorable reunion for the classes that graduated in the 60s, on Saturday, September 14, 2013, and then one Sept 15, 208, both at Rotary Park, Yolo County Fairgrounds, Woodland, CA. By all accounts, both were a success. We will likely keep on keeping on till we run out of steam. In the mean time, we hope you will find the site an enjoyable way to keep up on times gone by, with friends of yesteryear.
Feel free to share your thoughts on how we can make this site 'the best'... Join in and get involved.
Best wishes from your Co-Webmasters: Joan Lucchesi and Gary Wegener 530 908 4914