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03/29/19 11:18 AM #5199    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Gail, nice to hear from you  on the collection of teachers at Woodland High School.  The Business Machines teacher was Mrs. Zona Carr. I had her and was not impressed.  Now Mrs. Jane Podgasky was great, as was Mr. Warren Meyer.  All those typing classes made it possible for my State job.  Mr. Young was great with all his lists of vocabulary words, of which I still can recall.  Mr. Weisick, taught like my Dad.  You have manners in this class, and remember you will have an oral and written report to present!!!!  He was so right on!!!  Glad to see some of those boys step up to his demands.  Mr. Gordon's art class was my very favorite.  I was in his class when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  A terrible event in all our lives!  I can recall it all; the news was reporting all the following hours.  

03/29/19 11:23 AM #5200    


Theresa Eve (1964)

03/29/19 05:29 PM #5201    

Tim Tucker (1965)

Maybe this comment wont be important to you guys. Some of you will ignore it and wont even bother to read it and it will just go unnoticed along with so many others. Maybe I'll be criticized for this, but I just want you all to know......I'm selling potatoes.

03/29/19 06:28 PM #5202    


Charlotte Apodaca (Lucero) (1961)

March 29, 2019

To Mr. Tim Tucker (1965);

I love potatoes 🥔, actually my very favorite vegetable in the universe.  Just a side note, did you know the potato is the third most important food crop after rice and wheat. Potatoes grow from high altitudes to sea levels.  Potatoes grow in over 100 hundred countries. There are over 4000 varieties of native potatoes, mostly found in the Andean mountains of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.  The Andean mountains are green and lush—with potatoes vines: a beautiful sight.

I have always enjoyed eating potatoes prepared in different dishes.  I became fascinated with the potato when I was in living in Ecuador during my Peace Corps tour. When I traveled into Peru I learned of the thousands of varieties that I could choose from: my favorite are the golden and the small purple variety. 

For more information: check out Potato Facts and Figures.

Tim, let us know where do you sell your potatoes, and what are the variety.


Charlotte Lucero 


03/29/19 07:11 PM #5203    


Vern Larson (1960)

See Tim...Ya never know!

03/29/19 07:38 PM #5204    

Tim Tucker (1965)

Vern and Charlotte, thank you for taking notice. The "Potato Venture" hopefully will turn out better than my previous effort. I had a lifelong dream of creating a turtle ranch . My intent was to raise the finest herd of turtles possible. I had hoped to contract with the military and supply them with helmets and soup........It just didn't fit their needs apparently........  P.S. I can be reached at 1-888-SPUDGUY.

03/29/19 09:38 PM #5205    

Elvis Kelley (1962)

Does anyone one besides me see the importance of a like button  ?

03/30/19 07:22 AM #5206    


Nancy Rollins (Gantz) (1968)


03/30/19 07:59 AM #5207    


Joel Childers (1966)

Tim...Is that a Baker, Russett or the little red one? Do you deliver? Can I get my potato gift-wrapped? Upon receipt of my potato, do you recommend I prepare it scalloped or au gratin?

P.S. What ever became of Dan Quayle? 

03/30/19 09:18 AM #5208    


Mary Wanda McCrary (Montgomery) (1967)

I LOVE the potato dialogue Tim, appreciate Robert for the obits, enjoy the catching-up with what you all are doing now......all of it!  

As to our teachers.....I fondly remember a lot of them.   Spanish in the basement of the original building with Mr Contreras, than the annex with Mr Faltis and Mr Haas.  I believe I was there when the announcement came about Kennedy being shot.  My favorite teachers were Misters Young, Rodegerdts, Zahl, and Mrs Podgasky.  Least favorite.....Mr Houston (fake teacher for history) and Miss Metcalf (math).

I sincerely enjoyed Woodland High School and am sorry it’s so different nowadays..... Remember football games and after game dances?  Do they even have those anymore?

I hear that on Wednesday, May 8, starting at 5:00 WHS alumni are invited up to Capay.  Apparently the Road Trip Cafe is having music on their back patio and $1 burgers.  Let’s try to all show up and catch-up.  I’ve been there once and saw where they have quite a large outdoor space and the $1 burgers were pretty good!

03/30/19 10:35 AM #5209    


Tom Stewart (1969)

Overall best teacher was Peter Wiesick.  The best!  I also liked Armand Jaques, Louise Reily (and her war stories), Tom Perry, Doyle Pinkston, Marlin Davies, Lou Ann Moriarty, Donald Beskeen, Mr Leathers, Lee Young, Gordon Friday, David Stahlhut

For me high school was ok, but can't say I loved it.  I was part of the 'average' crowd.  Loved the sports, and the dances, and other activities.  Like everyone else I would cruise the school before school, at lunch and after school.  I got my first new car when I was a Junior.  It was a 1969 Firebird from Eppersons garage.  I had to order it and it came in the day of the Christmas parade in 1968.  I thought I was so cool and I picked up some friends and we parked down by the new Safeway.  When I tried to start the car it wouldn't start and my friends thought that was really, really funny.  I had to walk back to the dealership only to be informed that the clutch had to be pressed down to start the car.  Go figure!

03/30/19 10:40 AM #5210    


Tom Stewart (1969)

My first car was a 1957 MGA roadster that I purchased from Electric Garage for $450.  It was a lot of fun, especially on corners, but it had its share of mechanical problems.  There were times when I had 4 or 5 people in that car which is a two seater.  It was great for the ride up to Green Pool on a hot summer day with the top down.......

03/30/19 10:53 AM #5211    


Tom Stewart (1969)

During my years growing up in Woodland I served on Safety Patrol at Beamer School, had two paper routes with the Democrat and Sacramento Bee.  I hated wrapping the Sunday Bee when it was raining and puttiong wax paper on every one.  The paper was so big with advertisements I sometimes made two or three trips even with a front bag and saddle bags.  I went through Boy Scouts and we had the fiftieth year jamboree on the grounds where Cal Expo now resides.  I also was a member of the Civil Air Patrol for any of you who remember that organization.  Lots and lots of memories in good ole' Woodland.

03/30/19 12:02 PM #5212    

Janet Long (Levers) (1966)

Tom Stewart, it's so good to have you back on these pages. And, by the way Elvis Kelly, I pushed the 'like' button for you.

03/30/19 12:15 PM #5213    


Mary Wanda McCrary (Montgomery) (1967)

Sweet cars, Tom Stewart!!  I didn’t get a car until a couple years after high school but I LOVED it!  It was a bright orange Opal GT & looked like a mini-Corvette.  

Oh darn!  I just noticed I called Mr Roddewig “Mr Rodegerdts” who I think was my dentist NOTmy English teacher!  Ooooops!  



03/30/19 01:09 PM #5214    


Joel Childers (1966)

Mr. Roddewig had us read, "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner". That turned me on to classical poetry. I loved his class. I had Gerald Mosier (my favorite teacher, even though I probably misspelled it) for Freshman and Junior Algebra and Sophmore Geometry. Poor Miss Metcalf. She taught Trig in my Senior year. She was new then and had some big shoes to fill. I was a lieutenant in the safety patrol at Beamer school. I remember the red badge as opposed to the blue badges. Coincidentally I had a Woodland Democrat and Sacramento Bee paper route and not coincidentally, I HATED the Sunday Bee, 3-4 AM in pouring rain. I think I lasted 2 months doing that route. 70 years old and I still haven't driven an MG-A Roadster (57' to 61' I believe were the years they made that lovely car), although I would gladly settle for having my 56' Chevy back.

03/30/19 01:21 PM #5215    


Joel Childers (1966)

I had that 56' Chevy before I had a driver's license. I was only allowed to drive with a parent. One day, when everyone was gone somewhere, I drove the car alone to Sacramento speeding down the River Road. In Sacramento, I made an illegal left turn in front of a police patrol car. He got behind me and turned on his siren. So I pulled over with my heart pounding out of my chest. When I looked out the window, I watched him drive by in pursuit of somebody else. I couldn't believe it. (THANK YOU, GARDIAN ANGLE.) I carefully drove the speed limit back to Woodland.

03/30/19 01:31 PM #5216    

Joseph Knipe (1967)

thank you tom stewart for those memories and pictures, i would like to more on this site and oh yea i loved green pool, thanks again

03/30/19 01:35 PM #5217    

Joseph Knipe (1967)

i left out the see oops

03/30/19 03:56 PM #5218    

Tim Tucker (1965)

I had not been over to Woodland in quite awhile, but recently an old friend and I decided to have a late dinner in the downtown area. After we finished our meal we were walking back to the car and suddenly from out of the shadows a man appeared. He was wielding a gun and was shouting : " Give me your money or I'll shoot you both." As he got closer, he said to my friend : " What is your name ?" Nervously she replied : " My name is Elizabeth." Then he said : " Oh my god, I could never shoot anyone named Elizabeth. That was my dear mother's name." He then pointed the gun at me and said : " And what is your name ?"  I replied : " My name is Tim, but most people call me Elizabeth."

03/30/19 09:19 PM #5219    

Elvis Kelley (1962)

Seriously we gotta get a like button. Maybe one with some funny faces. 

03/31/19 05:56 AM #5220    


Tom Stewart (1969)

Joe Childers.......I bought my first car when I was still 15 and my dad stored it in my great grandmother's garage.  Whenever my parents were gone I would get the key and go for a ride.  Never got caught.  During those first few years I got a lot of tickets.  Bob Dawson gave me a few tickets and later on we atteneded the same church together.  God has a great sense of humor.

I can remember trying to alter the tickets before I showed them to my dad.  Your parent had to go to court with you when you got a ticket in those days and you were under age.  I started to run out of excuses and stories to tell him.  I think I knew most of the cops in town.  Four or five of them attended that same church, but by then I was over 21 and pretty responsible.  I wasn't a bad kid, just had a heavy foot.

We used to go cruising in Sacramento a lot, down J and K streets (before the mall was there).  IF we saw some girls in a convertible one of us would jump in their car when they stopped at a light.  Normally that didn't last long, about 1 block.  It was all just fun.  We also did the "Chinese fire drills" at stop lights where we would all get out and run around the car and change drivers.  Never claimed we were geniuses!

03/31/19 08:33 AM #5221    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Tom, love all your old pictures.  Opens my memory to those days in Woodland with those cars, as being new and hot!!!  Good stories.  Thank you for the open book!!!

03/31/19 08:59 AM #5222    


Theresa Eve (1964)

Dad had a 1950 Bell Air Chevy, which was my favorite car ever!  We had to sell it to get a good family car without any repairs.  John Gorman told me later that if he knew Dad was ready to sell the Chevy he would have bought it  and restored it!  That would have been so perfect!!  

03/31/19 10:32 AM #5223    


Tom Stewart (1969)

Sorry, more cars.  My brother Don (class of 63) got my grandmother's old pontiac and painted it metalic green, and drove it to Mexico to have tuck-n-roll naugahide interior put in.  I think he loved that car but it got totalled in an accident.  He then got a 66 GTO with a 383 and a 'reverb' radio.  It was dark blue.  He also bought a Harley Davidson motorcycle and my dad let him drive back to Iowa to visit friends and relatives and he was only 15 and a half years old. 

My dad had riden his motorcyle from Iowa to California when he was 18, in 1936.  Like father like son.

The car is the one he fixed up, the motorcycle is his harley, and the other picure is my dad and his friend in 1936 on the trip to California.

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